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Reducing our carbon footprint

The European Digital Finance Programme pledges to be resource efficient and keep its environmental footprint to an absolute minimum. All steps of organising training events within the framework of the EDPF have been reviewed in terms of efficiency and environmental footprint.

Do everything on our smartphone app

Here at we use systems that provide the EDFP with a fully automated onboarding and course management platform. Documentation, video and other material are shared through the smartphone app of so that they are readily available, all in one place, even offline.

Hard copy documentation is available at the training venue upon prior request only (can be requested during the enrolment process).

The efficiency of short distances

The ILF premises offer inspiring yet functional facilities at short distance from the centre of Frankfurt, and a choice of nearby accommodation, including in walking distance.

Frankfurt is close to the geographical centre point of the EU and a major railway hub. It can be conveniently reached by train from many European capitals north of the Alps. For those that have to fly, Frankfurt airport, as a major hub, offers easy and frequent connections and is close to the centre and the campus.

ECB and EIOPA are within a short distance, and Commission, ESMA and EBA experts can travel by train, due to geographical proximity and excellent rail links.

Avoid travelling? – participate remotely

In-person teaching is great in terms of involvement in discussions and networking. On the other hand, the effort, cost and environmental impact of travelling to Frankfurt is also worth considering. The EDFP offers remote participation for its training events, i.e., participants in the room are joined by participants online and interaction works both ways.

Our partner has ample experience in designing courses that work both ways, in-person and remote. Thus, remote is a valid alternative and you can decide which alternative fits best for you.

Catering – own cups welcome

Of course, we keep a handy stock of coffee cups and water glasses. However, we encourage participants to bring their own cups or bottles. Light lunch and refreshments during our breaks come with minimal packaging.



Contact Us

If you have any questions in relation to our EDFP programme, please contact us.

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